Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Parable of a Tractor, a Cow, and a Space Heater

This is a short skit I wrote for our youth christmas banquet.  My brother Jamie and friend, Mose Clemmer acted, adding their own one liners in for fun! They did excellent!  Although intended to be humourous, the script addresses a serious topic. "By their fruit will you know them..."
5 min.
Can be performed with nearly no props.  Or can be done with minimal props such as clothing for farmers; hats, boots, coveralls etc., table and chairs
Two farmers: Billy and Jonny
One waitress: Not necessary, but adds effect


Two farmers enter a diner and take seats.

Billy – Well, Jonny, I gotta tell you, my tractor just up and quit last night. 
Jonny – O no!                                      
Billy – Yup, I was half way up from the flats with a load full of firewood and the old tractor just up and quit.  I was all out of firewood too, so last night the wife and the kids got a little chilly.  
Jonny – That’s terrible!  What was wrong with the tractor?
Billy – Well it died.
Jonny – I know, Billy, but why?
Billy – I guess I’m not sure... I didn’t have a chance to diagnose the problem yet.
Jonny - Well how did it quit? Did it slowly just turn off? Or was it not running smoothly? Maybe something is wrong with the transmission?
Billy – It just kind of jerked a couple of times and then was fine for a bit and then it kind of coughed and just quit!  There I was, half a mile from the house with a tractor that didn’t work, a load full of firewood and kids freezing at home.  It really was depressing!  I tell you, is a tractor really worthy to be called a tractor if it’s not doing tractorish things?
Jonny (thoughtfully) Billy, the tractor did have fuel in the tank didn’t it?
Billy – Like I said Jonny, I haven’t had an opportunity to diagnose the problem yet,(pause) (sheepishly)but, I’ve got a feeling that’s where the problem is.
Jonny – Billy! How can a tractor do tractorish things if it doesn’t have any fuel to run on?!
Billy – Well I changed the oil, cleaned the filters, washed the tractor, why, I even waxed the tractor!  And you’re telling me that that isn’t good enough?
Jonny – Think Billy, if I took your best cow, Gertrude, she is an Excellent, correct?
Billy(proudly) Yup, Gertrude is the best.
Jonny – Ok, so if I gave Gertrude the cleanest stall, the softest straw, a rub down every night and soft music to listen to, would she produce a lot of milk?
Billy(smiling) Yup, as long as you’re not the one singing the soft music.  (Seriously)Yup, Gertrude would be the most productive cow this side of the 86!
Jonny – No she wouldn’t.
Billy (Taken aback) Do you think your cows are better? Is that right Jonny?!  You think that you have better cows than I do?
Jonny – That’s not it at all Billy.  I’m just wondering how Gertrude will produce milk, without any feed.
Billy – Well, yes of course, Gertrude would also need the highest quality feed also.
Jonny(Grinning and pointing to a Floradale hat on his head) Perhaps Floradale feed.  The point is, if there is no input, than there can be no output.  Cows or tractors
Billy(thoughtfully) I guess you’re right.
Jonny – Kind of like this space heater (points to a space heater, plugged in and sitting on a table).  If it is not plugged in then there will be no heat (unplugs heater).  But look here (leaves heater plugged in but turns off heat) See the light is still on, the heater is still receiving power but it is not giving heat.  Is this heater really worthy to be called a heater if it is not doing heaterish things? Like heating?
(Both farmers pause, thinking about it, then Billy looks at Jonny and says:)
Billy – Kind of reminds me of life.  If I’m not accepting what God has given me then I can’t really give to others.  But if I accept God’s gift to me and then not just keep it to myself but give it to those around me that’s when I have success.  If there is no input, then there can be no output.  Tractors, cows, and Christians.
Jonny – I think your right Billy.  And is a Christian really worthy to be called a Christian unless a Christian is doing Christianish things?

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